CAPMĀ® Exam Prep

Our online, self-paced course and simulator will prepare new or aspiring project managers to pass the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)Ā® certification exam. Our exam prep course provides the required 23 education hours and includes everything you need to pass the current exam.Ā  CAPM Exam Simulator included with all CAPM Exam Prep courses (a $99.99 value!).Ā 

Choose how you want to learn.Ā  We offer online, self-paced courses with a monthly subscription or our high-value, one-time 1-year access option.Ā  We also offer a standalone CAPM exam simulator.

CAPM Exam Prep Course Features

  • Up-to-date material for 2024
  • Provides the PMI-required 23 education/contact hours
  • Includes the CAPM Exam SimulatorĀ – A different exam each time, dynamically generated from our bank of 1,500 realistic exam questions.
  • Base knowledge assessments with discoverability questions to reveal the blind spots holding you back
  • Spaced Repetition System for retaining key project management terminologies and concepts
  • 9 interactive story-based eLearning modules
  • 13 exciting storyline challenges to complete
  • Access to a private Facebook group to get support and ask any questions in case you get stuck
  • Follow up emails filled with tips, tricks, and reminders
  • Our best-in-class, speedy customer support
  • 100% pass guarantee

CAPM Exam Simulator Features

  • Acronyms Review – Retake as many times as you like
  • Glossary Review – Retake as many times as you like
  • 3 Full Practice Exams, including glossary testing questions and realistic exam questions. Retake until you pass with 80% or more.
  • 1 UNLIMITED Practice Exam with 150 questions randomized from our full bank of 1,500 realistic exam questions. A different exam every time!
  • 6 months of access
  • Access to our student Facebook community
  • Our best-in-class, speedy customer support

100% Refund Guarantee1

Unlimited PracticeĀ²

Amazing Support


Exam Prep Course & Simulator (1-Year)


One-time Payment

Benefits of a one-time purchase:
  • One-time payment and worry-free unlimited access for a full year
  • Learn at your own pace
  • Best for a long-term study approach

Exam Prep Course & Simulator (Monthly)


per month

Benefits of a monthly subscription:
  • The faster you finish, the less you pay
  • Keep your access for as long as you like - Hassle-free auto-billing each month
  • Cancel anytime

CAPM Exam Simulator


One-time Payment

What's included:
  • Over 1,500 realistic exam questions
  • 1 UNLIMITED Practice Exam randomized from our full bank of realistic exam questions.
  • 3 Full Practice Exams. Retake until you pass with 80% or more
  • Acronyms and Glossary Review
  • 6 months of access

What Our Brain Sensei Students Are Saying

Iā€™m very satisfied with the Brain Sensei PMP Exam Preparation Course. All 8 Modules are very well structured and detailed. I believe that practice exams included in the course helped me a lot with the preparation for my PMP Exam. I appreciate Brain Sensei for their amazing course and for the awesome service. They responded to all my requests immediately. Thanks. Highly recommended.

Helen B.

Studied BrainSensei for 11 days and passed. Succinct and highly informational chapters. The 4 practice exams are marginally more difficult then the PMP. Borderline impossible to fail the PMP if you pass this course.


Great course! They break down all concepts in a very clear and interactive way, that doesnā€™t put you to sleep. Would recommend to anyone who is looking to pass the PMP exam with flying colors.

Lusine N.

Why Choose a Self-Directed Course?

Self-directed courses are a great option for working individuals. You can go at your own pace and review hard materials over and over again without the pressure and stress of comparing your progress to others in a class setting. Our program takes it a step further by offering multiple practice exams (the real deal), a quick and personalized support team, and reminder and follow-up emails that keep you accountable. We wonā€™t let you fail ā€“ thatā€™s our guarantee.