PMP Test Questions – PMP Sample Exam Questions & Answers

September 13, 2022
PMP Test Questions

Every article you read about preparing for the PMP exam reiterates working through as many sample test questions and answers as possible.  Practice, practice, practice. Going over PMP example questions will allow you to keep information that you’ve already retained fresh as well as let you see what knowledge areas or processes you may need to go over.

Just because it’s on the internet doesn’t mean that it’s right. Be aware of examples of PMP questions and answers that aren’t from companies that are affiliated with the Project Management Institute (PMI). PMI has very strict guidelines and if you are in doubt you can look up the company. If they offer training or coursework for professional development units through PMI then they will have questions and answers to help you prepare for the exam.

Once you answer a question, before looking at an explanation if it’s available, see if you know what Knowledge Area or Process it’s referring to and how the sample answer is established. Write your answers down and note any mistakes so that you can go over those areas to improve your project management knowledge.

10 PMP Questions and Answers – PMP Sample Exam

The following 10 PMP question examples and answers are prepared based on the current version of the PMBOK. They are based on the wording and style of the PMP exam. These are not necessarily questions that you will be asked on the exam itself, but the style and information is set up as an example of the actual questions.

Have a notepad and pencil or pen ready to write down your answers and when you have completed check your answers. Each answer has an explanation. Make note of those that you got right as well as anywhere you have gone wrong.

PMP Question Example 1

During the quality testing of the new software integration project, the results showed a performance variance from the Quality management plan. Thus, the project manager asked the quality team to investigate the root cause of the variance and resolve it in order to get back on track. What type of action did the project manager request?

a. Corrective action

b. Preventive action

c. Defect repair

d. All of the above

PMP Question Example 2

During the project kick off meeting, two project team members had a disagreement around whether or not to include a specific test  while testing scenarios for the new product. As the project manager for this new project, you should _____:

a. Add the suggested scenario

b. Reject adding the new test

c. Postpone the discussion for later time

d. Ask each one of them to explain the logic behind his opinion

PMP Question Example 3

The new project you were assigned has a high volume of duties. To help you facilitate the project, the project sponsor has approved utilizing a “Project Coordinator” as a project management resource. This will allow your workload to be lowered. What task below would you most likely assign to the new Project Coordinator?

a. Engage different teams and align their work together

b. Oversee different work streams and realign any off track work stream

c. Oversee project risk management activities

d. Develop and maintain business documents

PMP Question Example 4

The project you have been working on for Company XYZ has been terminated due to budget cuts. You are currently 3 months into the 8 month’s that were scheduled for the project. As the project manager, what is your next step?

a. Try to convince the management to reconsider their decision

b. Ask the management to consider the project successful according to the current rate of performance

c. Do nothing since the management decision is final

d. Transfer the finished and unfinished deliverables to concerned parties

PMP Question Example 5

Six months into a new product development project, Project X, you have been assigned the duties of project manager. The former project manager had left several issues that needed to be addressed. According to the project team, one of these issues is that the project requires a number of changes outside of the original project scope. Even though there is a strong change control process, the requirements continue to change. As the new project manager you should:

a. Consider changing development approach

b. Reject all upcoming changes

c. Revisit change management process

d. Educate the team that all changes are welcome as long as they’re funded

PMP Question Example 6

In the course of a current project a change request has been submitted. The agreed upon process to address change requests is to take a vote of the board members. Five of the board members must agree in order for the change to go forward. As project manager, when should you proceed with the change?

a. Three out of the five approved

b. Four out of the five approved

c. The project sponsor approved

d. None of the above

PMP Question Example 7

As a project manager for a software development project you have asked the team to vote on a specific course of action. In the course of this spring meeting meeting vote, you notice one of the team members with a stern look on their face and their hand held in a closed fist. From this action, what is their vote on the course of action?

a. He is not interested to participate

b. He is fine with the decision

c. He disagrees with the decision

d. He fully supports the decision

PMP Question Example 8

You have just been hired as a project manager at Company XYX. Your first customer project requires you to focus the team on using many automated tools to complete their individual assignments. This is a change for the project management team and they are concerned about changing the way that “it’s always been done” and embracing the new technologies available. How do you advise them on their concerns?

a. It is a part of tailoring project integration management considerations

b. It is a new trend and good practice for project integration management

c. It is how you do project management

d. It is an existing practice within the company

PMP Question Example 9

The final version of the project scope has been sent up for approval. One of the stakeholders notices that a key component of the scope has not been included in the final version. In order to address this concern, you as the project manager should:

a. Submit change request

b. Amend the plan with the missing requirement

c. Disregard the concern

d. Review the requirements documentation and traceability matrix

PMP Question Example 10

Using the Agile Approach, you have just completed releasing one of a software development project. In order to prepare for the next release you should:

a. Confirm Scope baseline is up to date

b. Review Backlogs

c. Confirm Scope statement still valid

d. Review previous release WBS

PMP Sample Exam Answers & Explanations

Now let’s get into the answers to these PMP question examples:

PMP Test Questions #1

The Answer for Question one is A. The project work requires realigning the performance. By addressing the variance directly with the quality team the project manager asks them to “correct” the problem in order to get the project back on track.

Answer B, preventive action would have focused on a possible risk rather than correcting the current variance and C would only focus on one asset as opposed to the entire scope of work. D is out because B & C don’t fit, therefore A is the best answer, corrective action.

PMP Test Questions #2

The Answer for Question one is C.  As the conflict arose during the project kick off meeting, the project manager should choose to postpone the discussion for a later time. If the project manager decided to add the suggested scenario, they may be merely placating the team members and solving nothing. Rejecting the new test might result in unnecessary risk and asking the two team members to explain their points takes more time from the kick off meeting.

By postponing the discussion the project manager allows more time to fully understand and weigh the outcomes of both sides of the issue before the project begins without taking away from the initial focus of the meeting, making C the best choice.

PMP Test Questions #3

The Answer for Question one is  C.  One of the many duties that a project coordinator can be assigned is overseeing risk management, or supporting team members to implement risk management strategies. It is the project manager’s duty to engage the different teams and keep their respective roles in line with the scope of work as well as overseeing the different workstreams. The project sponsor would be responsible for the business documents, including business  and benefits management plans. Answer C provides the best ability to utilize the coordinator position, maintaining the project managers authority to make final decisions.

PMP Test Questions #4

The Answer for Question one is D. Projects are derailed for a number of reasons, and when that reason is that the company that hired you can’t go forward due to funding, the best solution is to transfer all completed work and work in progress to the appropriate parties.

It isn’t the project managers place to convince the management to reconsider, nor is their place to request an unfinished project be considered successful. Doing nothing is not what a Professional Project Manager does, so the only option is to do as requested and move on to the next project. It isn’t personal in this case. It’s just business.

PMP Test Questions #5

The Answer for Question one is A. Because there is currently a rigorous change control process in place that doesn’t appear to be working, changing the development approach would be the best course of action.

If you were to reject all of the upcoming changes, answer B, the rejections could negatively impact the end product. If the current “robust” change management process isn’t the situation, changing that would likely amount to a waste of valuable time and resources. Giving the team ultimate control to incorporate changes as they come takes project regulation out of the project managers hands and will harm the entirety of the project. Considering the development approach is the best course of action for Project X.

PMP Test Questions #6

The Answer for Question one is  D. Five of the board members must agree to the change. If you go forward with any of the other answers, three out of 5, four out of five, or the approval of the project sponsor, you have gone against the board. It isn’t the place of the project manager to go against the board members. The best course of action is to wait for them to come to a consensus and follow their suggested course of action.

PMP Test Questions #7

The Answer for Question one is  C. There are a variety of hand signals that can be used in large meetings, video meetings, even conferences. Holding a closed fist can be seen as either a sign of solidarity or defiance. In this case the secondary indicator was the look on the team members face. They are in disagreement with the proposed course of action. Therefore C, he disagrees with the decision is the answer.

PMP Test Questions #8

The Answer for Question one is  B.  Working hard and working smart should fall hand in hand. The automated tools weren’t part of the Project Integration Management considerations so A does not apply. C is akin to “because I told you to” therefore it really has no place as an answer from a project manager. As these are new tools, at least for the company, they were not a part of the “existing practices of the company” to complete projects, leaving D by the wayside.

B allows you to describe how the automated tools will assist the team members in efficiency and accuracy. These are tools to help not replace them. B is the answer.

PMP Test Questions #9

The Answer for Question one is D. The plan isn’t approved yet, so submitting a change request, Answer A, is not applicable. Answer B, Amending the plan before reviewing the previous versions to ensure that the “missing requirement” wasn’t rejected for cause, may put the project off course once it begins.  As a project manager you would never simply “disregard” a concern that is raised by a stakeholder. This is the beginning of a project and a business relationship so Answer C is not an option, ever.

Taking the time to review the requirements documentation and traceability matrix will put you in a better place to accurately address the stakeholders concern before approval and avoid issues that could occur later in the scope of work.

PMP Test Questions #10

The Answer for Question one is B.  As you have selected the Agile Approach for the project, you would want to review the backlog in order to adapt the project going forward. Answers A and C are both part of the Waterfall Approach, or predictive framework. Answer D would not provide you the information required to go forward. Backlog Grooming allows you to re-prioritize, and adapt the project to continue to the next version.

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Remember to seek out other sample test questions and answers to help you prepare for the PMP exam. The more you know the better your understanding of what being a Professional Project Management Professional is.   Try Brain Sensei’s Free Trial of their Self-Paced PMP Exam Prep course for more free questions.

Have you led projects and are looking to earn a project management certification?  You might be interested in learning about how lucrative this can be.  Check out these articles.

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