Everything you need to know about the PMP credentials
What's the best PMP online exam prep course?
We understand the dullness of preparing for certification exams. With our fun and effective story-based online courses, we are putting a stop to overwhelming and unmemorable content! The founders of Brain Sensei are project managers too, so we understand your challenges. That’s exactly why we created a scientifically proven and optimal approach to passing the PMP exam. You’ll have 1 year of online access so you can learn at your own pace.
With a pass rate of 99.6%, leading organizations such as Apple, Microsoft, Uber, MIT, and Disney trust our courses. We also offer 100% pass and refund guarantees, and with a risk-free purchase of one of our courses, you’ll also get access to our Facebook community and responsive online support.
Should you earn the PMP credential? Is it worth it?
We put together a comprehensive list to help you decide if you should pursue the PMP credential or not. Find out if it is worth it. What are the eligibility requirements? How to apply? Read the articles below to get answers.
- A Beginner’s Guide To PMP: Everything You Need To Know
- PMP certification is worth it: Here’s why
- PMP Certification Course: Exam Requirements, Eligibility and Costs
- How to Apply for the PMP Exam (2021)
If you prefer to listen to these articles instead, come and check out our podcast.
Is it better to prepare for the PMP exam online?
You have several choices when it comes to preparing for the PMP certification exam. You can do it in class with an instructor, attend a hybrid session (classroom and online), or take a self-paced online course.
For the actual PMP credential exam itself, you can go to a testing center or take an online proctored exam at home or work.
We prepared these articles to help you decide:
- PMP Training Course: Why Take It Online?
- Take the PMP Exam Online
- PMP Exam Prep: Self-Paced Online Course
- PMP Course: 35 Hours of Online Education
If you prefer to listen to these articles instead, come and check out our podcast.
Best online PMP exam preparation tips
So, you have decided to pursue the PMP certification. Congratulations, you made the right decision!
Read the articles below to prepare yourself for the PMP exam. If you decide to prepare for the exam using an online course, know the key factors you should consider.
Feeling ambitious? It’s possible to prepare for the exam in 10 days.
- Taking the PMP exam? Know this first.
- PMP Certification Exam: How To Prepare for the PMP Exam in 2021
- Best PMP Certification Training Online: Top 5 Factors To Consider
- Prepare for the PMP in 10 Days
If you prefer to listen to these articles instead, come and check out our podcast.